Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Moving Across Surfaces: First Experience

My first, and favorite, memory of Moving Across Surfaces is from my childhood in Rainbow Lakes, NJ.  Although we lived right on the main lake, I always enjoyed heading across the street and into the woods.  There were acres and acres of trees and brush with paths that could only be traveled in a single file or by a deer.

Running on the paths at top speed was a MAS experience that I have never duplicated anywhere else.  The ground could be dry and dusty or wet and squishy under my feet.  There were branches to be negotiated like a boxer bobbing this way and that way to avoid being hit, but never more than necessary to avoid taking a punch (or in the woods - a nice scratch to the arm, leg or face.) 

Running at top speed, I could feel the thumping of my feet against the dirt and the crunch of the leaves under my sneakers; to run as swiftly with as little effort and sound as possible - what is that? 

When I reflect on those days, I realize how much joy I got from just running in those woods.  I felt like a deer (although I know they're much better at it.)  No awards, no medals - just running, darting, jumping, panting, sometimes hiding . . .

I walk through the woods now and it's still a great experience, but well - slower.  The crunch of the leaves is still a tonality I love and moving up and down the many paths is something I never seem to tire of.  I know now, that Moving Across the Surfaces of those woods at top speed was a special, freeing feeling - part escape and always in the moment.  It was a gift to have those woods across the street from my house and when I remember to live in and enjoy the moment now, it's a gift I give myself even if I live 3000 miles away.

Do you have a Moving Across Surfaces experience?  I hope you will share -

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