Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Speed: Superman, Sons and Time

Today is our oldest son's birthday.  It's a happy, yet melancholy feeling for me.  It was such a special time: a beautiful July in Flagstaff with walks in the cool pines, classical music and hot fudge sundaes (no not pickles.)

Just like our two weeks in Flagstaff flew by before moving our new born son to Page, the 28 years have flown as well.  Can years really feel like weeks?  Our son has gone from our little town to Boston and Phoenix, Flagstaff and Los Angeles; living his dream that began as a young boy.

Like most parents, our love for him goes without saying -
we also admire and sincerely like him;
he's a sweetheart and wise beyond his years.

I've been writing recently about moving across surfaces -
today I felt the break-neck speed of moving across years,

Love on the go!
Happy Birthday Seth -
you're still Clark Kent and Superman to me.

drawing by Curt Swan

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