Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gay Teachers

Kilian Melloy writer for Boston's Online Edge:
Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina in an Oct. 1 address at the Greater Freedom Rally, which took place at First Baptist North Spartanburg, a church in the South Carolina city of Spartanburg.

DeMint told rally participants that he would work to bring more conservatives into government in order to "take our country back"--and deny gays the right to be in certain professions, such as teaching school. The senator also said that unmarried, sexually active women should be barred from the teaching profession, but he did not place any such restrictions on unmarried heterosexual men. DeMint’s comments were reported in an Oct. 2 article at
Oy - I'll go back to my last post when I urged administrators to cut poor teachers lose.  I can't imagine singling out a person's sexual preference as the reason for termination.  With all the issues we need to resolve why would anyone give this homophobic view any traction? 
I know dozens of good and great teachers who are gay.  Their sexual preference doesn't make them a better teacher and it certainly isn't grounds for being run out of the profession.  Please - let's focus on whether they can teacher or not! 

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