Friday, October 22, 2010

Perspective in Schools

Here's a quick observation from my current position which is district wide: 

Some elementary staff exaggerate the seriousness of certain behaviors.  Their perspective is working with students from 5 to 10 years old and I've noticed they think that misbehavior is more serious than what it is.  They love children and when they don't act in a lovable manner, they jump to an extreme view of what that behavior means.  I find myself saying "really?" and thinking "relax!".

On  the other end of the spectrum, high school teachers tend to forget that students that are 14-18 still need nurturing and compassion.  They can be quick to assume that a student is being manipulative or intentionally disrespectful which justifies their terse and condescending tone.

So I guess that makes those who teach students in the middle grades just right!   Haha! well my mother might chuckle at that conclusion, but it is an interesting mix of teaching styles: this can lead to a nice balance or in the hands of a weak leader, staff dissention.  Many think that those who teach middle school kids are just crazy, but it's transition time from the nurturers to the time to get serious about your life bunch which can be an exciting time when handled with care.

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